On the night of Valentine’s Day 2015, 27-year-old Erica Alonso went out to an Orange County, California nightclub with her ex-boyfriend, Larry. She told her sister she’d be back that night, but never returned home.
By the morning of February 15th, Erica’s sister still hadn’t heard from her, so she called Larry to ask if he’d seen or heard from Erica. He said that yes, he was with Erica, but they got into a fight, and at around 4 am, she stormed out of his apartment. She drove away, and he hadn’t heard from her since.
More than two months later, on April 27, Erica’s body was discovered in a remote area of Orange County. She was found wrapped in plastic bags and duct tape.
Despite this, authorities concluded that foul play was not involved. Her case remains unsolved.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Orange County Sheriff's Department at 714-647-7055.
Please take a moment to follow the fight on social media:

“Car Belonging to Missing OC Woman Found in Aliso Viejo.” ABC7 Los Angeles, 26 Mar. 2015, abc7.com/erica-alonso-orange-county-woman-missing-valentines-day/573319/.
Coker, Matt. “Erica Melissa Alonso Was Target of Restraining Order in the Weeks before She Went Missing.” OC Weekly, 26 Feb. 2015, www.ocweekly.com/erica-melissa-alonso-was-target-of-restraining-order-in-the-weeks-before-she-went-missing-6482523/.
“Couple Who Gave Missing OC Woman a Ride Home Identified.” CBS News, 21 Feb. 2015, www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/couple-who-gave-missing-oc-woman-a-ride-home-identified/.
Cuniff, Meghann M. “As Family Mourns Erica Alonso, Questions Remain as Autopsy Fails to Reveal Cause of Death.” Orange County Register, 30 Apr. 2015, www.ocregister.com/2015/04/30/as-family-mourns-erica-alonso-questions-remain-as-autopsy-fails-to-reveal-cause-of-death/.
Dodd, Johnny. “Woman Who Disappeared after Valentine’s Day Date Spurs ‘body Dumping’ Bill.” Peoplemag, 3 May 2016, people.com/crime/woman-who-disappeared-after-valentines-day-date-spurs-body-dumping-bill/.
Duranty, Alyssa, and Scott Schwebke. “‘It Doesn’t Make Sense to Me’: Father of Erica Alonso Surprised to Hear Daughter’s Death Ruled an Overdose.” Orange County Register, 23 July 2015, www.ocregister.com/2015/07/23/it-doesnt-make-sense-to-me-father-of-erica-alonso-surprised-to-hear-daughters-death-ruled-an-overdose/.
Editor. “Supporters of Erica Alonso Rallied in Downtown Santa Ana Today.” New Santa Ana, 29 Aug. 2015, newsantaana.com/supporters-of-erica-alonso-rallied-in-downtown-santa-ana-today/.
“Erica Alonso’s Father Vows to Find Answers in Her Mysterious Death.” ABC7 Los Angeles, 9 May 2015, abc7.com/erica-alonso-oc-woman-dead-laguna-hills-san-juan-capistrano/708196/.
“Family Holds Candlelight Vigil for OC Woman Missing since Valentine’s Day.” ABC7 Los Angeles, 21 Mar. 2015, abc7.com/missing-woman-erica-alonso-valentines-day-orange-county/567530/.
Fausto, Alma, and Scott Schwebke. “Update: Family Makes Plea for Info about Laguna Hills Woman Last Seen Sunday in Irvine; Couple She Partied with in Costa Mesa Located.” Orange County Register, 20 Feb. 2015, www.ocregister.com/2015/02/20/update-family-makes-plea-for-info-about-laguna-hills-woman-last-seen-sunday-in-irvine-couple-she-partied-with-in-costa-mesa-located/.
Fausto, Alma, et al. “‘we Never Thought It Was Going to End like This,’ Father Says after Body Found in Forest Is Missing Laguna Hills Woman Erica Alonso.” Orange County Register, 29 Apr. 2015, www.ocregister.com/2015/04/29/we-never-thought-it-was-going-to-end-like-this-father-says-after-body-found-in-forest-is-missing-laguna-hills-woman-erica-alonso/.
Fowler, Tara. “Body of Missing Woman Erica Alonso, 28, Found.” Peoplemag, 29 Apr. 2015, people.com/crime/body-of-missing-woman-erica-alonso-28-found/.
“Justice for Erica.” Facebook, www.facebook.com/WeLoveEricaAlonso. Accessed 21 Mar. 2023.
“Missing in America: Erica Alonso.” NBCNews.Com, 29 Apr. 2015, www.nbcnews.com/feature/missing-in-america/missing-america-erica-alonso-n311221.
“Missing Valentine’s Day Date Last Seen Arguing with Boyfriend.” Los Angeles Times, 20 Feb. 2015, www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-woman-vanishes-after-valentines-day-date-at-nightclub-20150220-story.html.
“Missing Woman Found Dead off Ortega Highway Died of Massive Drug Overdose, Not Homicide.” CBS News, 23 July 2015, www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/missing-woman-found-dead-off-ortega-highway-died-of-massive-drug-overdose-not-homicide/.
“Mother Still Desperate for Answers in Death of O.C. Woman Whose Body Was Found in April.” CBS News, 27 June 2015, www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/mother-still-desperate-for-answers-in-death-of-o-c-woman-whose-body-was-found-in-april/.
Pamer, Melissa, and Chip Yost. “Missing Laguna Hills Woman Was Subject of Restraining Order over Alleged Domestic Violence.” KTLA, 26 Feb. 2015, ktla.com/news/local-news/missing-laguna-hills-woman-was-subject-of-restraining-order-over-alleged-domestic-violence/.
Ryan, Kennedy, and Mary Beth McDade. “Family Sends up Red Balloons on Birthday of Missing Laguna Hills Woman Erica Alonso.” KTLA, 27 Mar. 2015, ktla.com/news/local-news/family-sends-up-red-balloons-on-birthday-of-missing-laguna-hills-woman-erica-alonso/.
Ryan, Kennedy, and Mary Beth McDade. “OC Woman Vanishes after Night out Celebrating Valentine’s Day; Mystery Club Couple Sought.” KTLA, 20 Feb. 2015, ktla.com/news/local-news/oc-woman-disappears-after-night-out-celebrating-valentines-day/.
Ryan, Kennedy, et al. “Body of Missing Laguna Hills Woman Erica Alonso Found off Ortega Highway: OCSD.” KTLA, 28 Apr. 2015, ktla.com/news/local-news/decomposed-body-discovered-off-ortega-highway-near-mission-viejo/.
Ryan, Kennedy. “Deputies Locate Car Belonging to Missing Laguna Hills Woman Erica Alonso.” KTLA, 26 Mar. 2015, ktla.com/news/local-news/deputies-locate-car-belonging-to-missing-laguna-hills-woman-erica-alonso/.
Service, City News. “New Law, Inspired by an O.C. Case, Helps Police Investigate Non-Reported Accidental Deaths.” Orange County Register, 22 July 2017, www.ocregister.com/2017/07/21/new-law-inspired-by-an-o-c-case-helps-police-investigating-non-reported-accidental-deaths/.
“Sheriff: Erica Alonso May Not Be a Homicide Victim, Had GHB in Her System.” NBCNews.Com, 23 July 2015, www.nbcnews.com/feature/missing-in-america/police-erica-alonso-not-homicide-victim-had-ghb-her-system-n397166.
Singhania, Aruna. Erica Melissa Alonso Autopsy.
“Toxicology Results Show That Erica Alonso Had a Lethal Dose of GHB and Alcohol in Her System.” New Santa Ana, 22 July 2015, newsantaana.com/toxicology-results-show-that-erica-alonso-had-a-lethal-dose-of-ghb-and-alcohol-in-her-system/.
Turney, Sarah. “Interview with Dinora Gomez.” 21 Mar. 2023.
“Update: Body Found near San Juan Capistrano Confirmed as Erica Alonso, Missing Laguna Hills Woman.” The Capistrano Dispatch, 30 Apr. 2015, www.thecapistranodispatch.com/decomposed-body-found-off-ortega-highway-update/.