On January 26, 2011, 27-year-old Ellen Greenberg left her job early due to a snowstorm that blanketed the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area. Just after 6:30 pm, Ellen’s fiancé Sam Goldberg called 911 and reported that he had to break down the door to his and Ellen’s apartment because it had been locked from the inside. When he entered the apartment, he found Ellen in the kitchen with a knife sticking out of her chest.
When officers arrived, they found multiple stab wounds on Ellen’s chest. Deciding these wounds were “superficial,” police quickly determined that Ellen’s death was a suicide, not a homicide.
The next day, an autopsy uncovered 20 stab wounds to Ellen’s chest, stomach, back of her neck, and back of her head. The medical examiner ruled Ellen’s death a murder.
Despite these findings, the police declared Ellen’s death a suicide and closed her case. Since then, for over a decade, Ellen’s parents and a large group of experts have worked to uncover a lot of evidence that suggests Ellen was murdered.
You can support Ellen’s family by signing their change.org petition at:
You can donate to their GoFundMe at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-ellen?fbclid=IwAR1kH2pxp0jWpWBFD6tX9JfiWGCE-sKf9VrSGmjAltcz-g81mY7hVhqOcGo

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